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To Aspiring Poets

Being Heard: Healing Voices of Trauma
Being Heard: Healing Voices of Trauma
To Aspiring Poets

 Dear Writer- in -Waiting

 I never set out to create a poem, let alone write a book!
And I certainly was not expecting nor willing to share it.
I never set out to let anyone know my inner most thoughts.
I never even kept a diary because I didn’t want to reveal anything personal.

 Then I began to write.

I wrote to survive my vulnerability and my mortality.
I wrote because a friend said I should keep a journal to find relief.
I wrote because I couldn’t sleep.
I wrote because I had to.

My book follows no rules.

It disturbs, it pokes, it scratches at hidden emotions that I would have preferred to ignore…
I stepped beyond my own fear of being heard, of being witnessed.  My dear friend (whom I affectionately call my earth guide) said that it would be selfish of me not to share…that my words might help another soul.
When I re-read what I wrote I have no idea that those are my words, but they are.
I feel freer now that I have been exposed.

 I have created a legacy.

So, I encourage you to take your own turn to write and to share what is inside you, what is waiting to come forth, what is percolating…
Step beyond your shame, your reluctance, your insecurities, your “not good enough” saboteur.
Give voice to what is lodged in your being.
Let the words come out, spilling, tumbling, unedited.
Release what stops you, what constrains you…
and allow your words to materialize.

Unedited –
to free yourself, to reveal yourself.
My words are not your words.
My stories are not your stories.
Find your own words through your own stories and your own experiences.

Tell it your way.

And mostly don’t judge.
Will you write your own words and create your own legacy?
It is in the sharing that we touch each other’s hearts.
It is in the sharing that we become more vibrant.

Write it, paint it, sing it, play it,
I look forward to you sharing your creation…


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